Oct 30, 2011

Julep Nail Vernis "Alfre"

Since most of you want me to swatch the items I got from Julep Maven, I decided to swatch the nail polish first. 

Alfre is a dark purple color with a grayish undertone, which I really adore. The formula of this nail polish is great and I only needed 2 coat to see great color! The packaging is of course very cute! It's so chic and sleek in my opinion because it is the first time I have seen nail polish in this form. I feel so outdated! Haha!

I just tried the pink polish, Reese from Julep Maven but isn't loving it. The formula suck! I don't know why but the brush feels different that the Alfre one. I hate it so I don't even bother to swatch it!

What do you think?

Oct 29, 2011

Halloween Look: Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas

Finally I am updating! 

Do you miss me?

Halloween is near so this time I did a look from Nightmare Before Christmas. Can you guess who it is? It is Sally! I tried my best doing the blue/white base of her face. I found out that I didn't have any white or blue makeup base so I used eye shadow as a replacement. 

Want to see more?

Oct 26, 2011

Julep Maven

I remember seeing a post about Julep Maven on Nancy's blog so I thought I might give this a try. This is monthly beauty subscription that's like Birchbox but I think it's so much better! The one I got was the October Maven box. I got mine for only $5 with a code I saw on Facebook! Originally it is $19.99 a month and you get to receive products worth over $40! Isn't that amazing?

Want a closer look at what I got?

IN Pink Jewelry

Recently I won a giveaway from Mode Bay Area on a $40 In Pink gift card. IN Pink is an online company that sells fashion jewelry at a very reasonable price! 

When I receive the package, this is the box that came with it! Isn't the packaging beautiful? To me, packaging in everything is very important because I will go with the product or item that has the cutest packaging, don't you agree?

Want to see what I got?

Homey Home

Authored by Rickey Combs

Making this place homey has been far more work than I thought it was going to be but I’m getting there, one pillow and piece of furniture at a time. I love that it’s all mine to do whatever I want with but boy is there something to be said for hiring a competent decorator! I think I should have spent less money on the house and saved more for renovations and décor, but that’s a lesson I’ll have to save for next time. Anyway, I went to http://www.satelliteinternetbroadband.com/hughesnet/Oregon/M/Monmouth/ to look into internet since we’re so far up on the mountain and I’ve been researching hot tubs that will work well on the porch. I know it’s only a matter of time but I really love the idea putting in some extra windows to get some great light at night! I’m way over budget already so all these dreams will have to wait but you know, one day this place is going to be the house of my dreams, I can just feel it!

Oct 25, 2011

Halloween Look: Fairy

A reader requested that I do a fairy Halloween look so I attempt to do it. It didn't turn out as I expect it to. I am not really an artistic person so drawing on my face would be a hard job for me. I saw lots of great fairy makeup look when I Google it online. Mine, of course cannot be compare to those with great artistic skill, but still, I hope you like it!

Oct 23, 2011

Myface Cosmetics - Halloween Contest‏

Myface Cosmetics is having a Halloween Contest at their Facebook page

All you have to do is upload pictures of your Halloween makeup onto their wall! 

You can win over 15 products from them and a original stretch signed by their Artistic Director, Kabuki!

In the meantime, please check out the video of the Spider Woman they created below:

Oct 21, 2011

Winner of Achemilla Exfoliating Fash Wash Cream Giveaway

Here is the winner of the Achemilla Giveaway:

Congratulations to socialitedreams!

I will contact you via email for your shipping info. Winner will have 2 days to respond or a new winner will be drawn.

Thanks for entering my giveaway. I will have more coming!

Oct 20, 2011

Review: ShaToBu Calorie Burning High Waist Shaping Tight

We all want to lose weight without putting much effort in it right? I think everyone is just as lazy as me. Everyday, I told myself to starting moving my butt and exercise but I lack that effort. Recently, I discovered this brand that make shaping tight that help woman like me burn more calories just by walking. Isn't that incredible?

I don't wear jeans that often so leggings and tights has been my favorite since I gained some extra weight during summer. With the high waist shaping tight from ShaToBu, I was able to burn a few calories whenever I wear it!

Want to hear my thoughts?

Oct 16, 2011

Halloween Look: Seductive Vampire

This time I did a seductive vampire look for Halloween. All you need is a beautiful costume and fangs to complete the look! I was inspired to do this look after watching one of Michelle Phan's old Halloween video. It doesn't look much like a vampire but this is how ti turns out with the makeup I got at home.

Oct 14, 2011

Halloween Look: Snow White

This is the first Halloween look of the year. I don't have the costume for most of them so I'll try my best to recreate the look. I don't know if you can tell by the picture but this is me being Snow White!

Review/Giveaway: Alchemilla Exfoliating Face Wash Cream (END)

A good exfoliant is what we all need during the dry fall/winter time. If it's natural and organic, it's even better! Not only does it de-flakes dead skin cell but it can also refine and deep clean your face, so it will become silky smooth.

Oct 13, 2011

Guest Post: How to Achieve the Perfect Pout

Every woman longs for a sexy, plump, perfect pout. And with a variety of lip products on the market and some skilful makeup artistry, your lips can achieve the bee-stung, just-kissed appearance without having to go the cosmetic surgery route or endure painful lip injections.

Oct 12, 2011

Ke$ha Baby-G Watches & Sweepstakes

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Baby-G for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

When I was in middle school, I always wanted a Baby-G watch because they are so cool looking with many different design. It was a bit of a luxury in my family to own a brand name watch. Even though, my teen years are long gone but the design of Baby-G keep on moving forward.

They are now partnering up with singer/song writer Ke$ha to create two watches that represent her! If you are wondering who Ke$ha is, she is the one that sang the hit song "TIK ToK."

Oct 11, 2011

DR.'S REMEDY Participates In Breast Cancer Awareness

Dr.'s REMEDY Enriched Nail Polish in Positive Pink will add a healthy dose of color to your look. 

20% of the proceeds from each Positive Pink Enriched Nail Polish purchased at an Everything But Water store or their website will go to Living Beyond Breast Cancer. 

The polish is a lovely, healthy splash of toxin-free, vitamin-enhanced color for your nails. $17. The nail polish is available at the website of Everything But Water.

Oct 10, 2011

NEW Sigmax Synthetic Collection!

Sigma just released their five NEW Sigmax HD Brushes! This collection features their exclusive Sigmax synthetic filament, which was created to perfectly apply powder, cream and liquid products onto the skin without absorption into the bristles.

With its tapered design, the F86 is perfect for application of liquid, cream and powder products to precise areas on the face. The F86 is also an ideal contouring brush. It applies the perfect amount of product to the right areas for that flawless, sculpted look that every woman desires. This brush is revolutionary to the beauty industry and very unique in quality and design. It is the perfect addition to any makeup kit. The F86 will be sold individually for $16 or as part of the Synthetic Kabuki Kit (F80, F82, F84 and F86) sold for $56.

Review: Dueba DM-23 Kira Kira Green Lens from LensVillage

 I got the opportunity to review the Dueba DM-23 Kira Kira Green Lens from LensVillage. I hope the green lens doesn't scare you!

Lens Village is a Malaysia based online store that  sell wide range of circle color lenses. They provide different design and color of circle lenses up to 400 choices!

Want to hear my thoughts?

Oct 9, 2011

Review: Gatsby Bubble Type Bleach & Color-Royal Latte

Thank you Mr. L for reviewing this Gatsby Bubble Type Bleach & Color in Royal Latte for my blog

This time I will be reviewing a foaming hair dye from Gatsby. Packaging wise is very nice. I think it's way better than most American brand in terms of packaging. American brand really need to find a new marketing to design their package. Packaging is a very important step in making a brand popular!

Okay, back to my review.

Oct 8, 2011

Winner of Crest 3D Whitestrips Giveaway

Here is the winner for my Crest 3D Whitestrips Giveaway!

Will it be you? 


Or you?

Let's find out!

Congratulations to pinkghosta! 

I already contacted you through email! So please check both your inbox and junk mail folder!

Winner will have 2 days to respond or a new winner will be drawn!

I still have more fun giveaway coming up! So please stay tune!

Oct 5, 2011

Chocolates Are Worth A Thousand Words

I have been loving Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Nibs ever since Mr. L bought them for me! The 65% cacao dark chocolate isn't overly bitter or sweet! I love the way it melts in my mouth! They come in this small tin that can be easily carry in a bag or purse! 

Do you love chocolate too?

Oct 3, 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day 12

Day 12 — Something you bought recently

 These two Forever 21 nail polishes are something I have bought recently. Even though they are both black but the look and the color is different!

What is something you bought recently?

I Am Totally Not Sharing!

I don't really remember when I took these food pictures. I guess it's better to do these foods all in one post so you guys can see all the yummy food I ate!

Oct 1, 2011

30 Days Challenge: Day 11

I will be doing the 30 Day Challenge again. Even though I have failed and totally forgot to blog about it, I will continue where I left off!
 Day 11 — Nicknames you have and why
"Mi" and "Murmur" are the two common nicknames I have. 
Obviously, "Mi" is short for Mimi. I think it is just easier to call a name with one syllable rather than two, right?
Murmur is what my sisters usually call me. It was back when I was doing summer volunteering at a tutor place and the kids have to call me "Teacher Mimi" then my sister just made up that nickname, Teacher Mur. I think that's the origin of that nickname!
What are yours?
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