Today, I am going to share my mini Daiso haul with all of you. I walked into Daiso not expecting to buy anything but I found some great beauty products that I can't leave without. I haven't tried any of these products yet but I will be sure to do a review on them sooner or later.
Since the weather is getting warmer each day, I figure I have to buy some makeup mist for on the go. I still love my La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water but I need something smaller to fit into my handbag. I came across this Collagen Mist at Daiso and since it's only $1.50, I said to myself: "Why not give it a try?" I just spray it on my face and it cools down my face a lot. It has this very pleasant rose scent. I also love that it absorb quickly into my face. So far, I don't have any allergic reaction to this makeup mist but I'll keep you girls updated.
I also got some makeup sponges too. It came in a pack of 12 for only $1.50! The shape looks like a house and I hope these sponges will work out great!
Lastly, I am running out of cotton swab, I decided to give the Daiso one a try. The tip of this cotton swab looks smaller than the Q-tip I have. I hope this won't be harsh on my eye area.
Anyways, have you girls bought anything cool lately?
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